13.4. The Fourier Transform#
The 2D discrete Fourier Transform decomposes a 2D array into a sum of complex exponentials:
where the Fourier coefficients are defined by
They are useful in image processing for performing fast filtering, compression, detection of periodic features, etc.
First let us plot the Fourier coefficients of some simple images:
# Code from previous section
using PyPlot
using Statistics
A = imread("sample_photo.png")
B = mean(A, dims=3)[:,:,1]
function imshow_scale(A)
# Like imshow(A) but scales the values to [0,1] and supports grayscale
A .-= minimum(A) # Scale and shift to [0,1]
A ./= maximum(A)
if ndims(A) < 3
A = reshape(A, size(A,1), size(A,2), 1)
if size(A,3) == 1
A = repeat(A, 1, 1, 3) # Set R=G=B for grayscale
# Uncomment below if the package is not already installed
#using Pkg; Pkg.add("FFTW")
using FFTW
function imagefft_demo(A)
AF = fftshift(fft(A))
subplot(1,2,1); imshow_scale(A);
subplot(1,2,2); imshow_scale(log.(1 .+ abs.(AF)));
imagefft_demo (generic function with 1 method)
G = [zeros(256,128) ones(256,128)]
G = zeros(256, 256)
G[78:178, 78:178] .= 1.0
G = Float32[ (i+j<329) && (i+j>182) && (i-j>-67) && (i-j<73) for i = 1:256, j = 1:256 ]
G = Float32[ sin(2pi*(10i + 20j)/256) for i = 1:256, j = 1:256 ]
Many of these patterns can be understood from the underlying Fourier expansion. However, for a general image the pattern of the Fourier spectrum is less clear. We would expect the coefficients from a relatively smooth image to decay away from the center though:
13.4.1. Removing periodic noise#
One application of image processing using the Fourier transform is to remove periodic noise. Below we demonstrate this using a made-up example with a given frequency and direction of the noise, but it can be made more general.
Bpernoise = copy(B)
Bpernoise = B + 0.5*Float32[sin(2π*10j / size(B,2)) for i = 1:size(B,1), j = 1:size(B,2) ]
Now compute the Fourier transform, and set the (known) noise frequencies to zero:
# Filter
BF = fftshift(fft(Bpernoise))
mid = size(B) .÷ 2 .+ 1
BF[mid[1], mid[2] + 10] = 0
BF[mid[1], mid[2] - 10] = 0
Bfiltered = real.(ifft(ifftshift(BF)))