Wigner's Semicircle Law
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy import *
import seaborn as sns

import sys
import RandomMatrix as RM

%matplotlib inline


The Semicircle Distribution

The semicircle distribution of radius $r > 0$ is supported on $[-r, r]$ with density

$$\sigma_r(x) = \frac{2}{\pi r^2} \sqrt{r^2 - x^2}$$

If one plots the density, it becomes apparent why this is called the semicircle distribution.

Theorem Suppose $X$ has the semicircle distribution with radius $r$ and $\alpha > 0 \in \mathbb{R}$, then $\alpha X$ has the semicircle distribution with radius $\alpha r$.

Proof Suppose $f(x)$ is the density of $\alpha X$, then by the linear transformation for density formula;

$$f(x) = \frac{\sigma_r(\frac{x}{\alpha})}{\alpha} = \frac{2}{\pi r^2 \alpha} \sqrt{r^2 - \left(\frac{x}{\alpha} \right)^2} = \frac{2}{\pi (\alpha r)^2} \sqrt{(\alpha r)^2 - x^2}$$

Thus $f = \sigma_{\alpha r}$

Wigner's Semicircle Law

Suppose we are interested in the distribution of a single arbitrary (not necessarily the biggest or smallest) eigenvalue $\lambda_1$ of a Gaussian Ensemble with Dyson index $\beta$. If we let $f$ be the joint density of the eigenvalues (given in the introduction of the chapter) and $\rho$ be the density of $\lambda_1$, by conditioning on the other eigenvalues (which are not independent), we get

$$ \rho(\lambda_1) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \cdot \cdot \cdot \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(\lambda_1, \lambda_2,... \lambda_N) \ d\lambda_2 \cdot \cdot \cdot d\lambda_N $$

Wigner's Semicricle Law studies the distribution of $\lambda_1$ as $N \longrightarrow \infty$

Wigner's Semicircle Law:

$$\lim_{N \longrightarrow \infty} \sqrt{\beta N} \rho(\sqrt{\beta N}\lambda_1) = \sigma_{\sqrt{2}}(\lambda_1)$$

Simulation of the Law

Note this implies that $\frac{\lambda_1}{\sqrt{\beta N}}$ tends to a semicircle distribution with radius $\sqrt{2}$ as $N$ gets large.

N = 1000
GOE_λs, _ = np.linalg.eigh(RM.Generate_GOE(N))
GOE_scaled_eigenvalues = GOE_λs/(np.sqrt(N))
plt.xlabel("Scaled Eigenvalues")
plt.title("GOE Semicircle with radius $\sqrt{2}$")
plt.hist(GOE_scaled_eigenvalues, bins=20, density=True);
N = 1000
GUE_λs, _ = np.linalg.eigh(RM.Generate_GUE(N))
GUE_scaled_eigenvalues = GUE_λs/(np.sqrt(2*N))
plt.xlabel("Scaled Eigenvalues")
plt.title("GUE Semicircle with radius $\sqrt{2}$")
plt.hist(GUE_scaled_eigenvalues, bins=20, density=True);

We may use the scaling theorem to converge to different radii. If we want the eigenvalues to converge to a semicircle with radius $r$ we scale as follows

$$\frac{r \lambda_1}{\sqrt{2 \beta N}}$$

Below we make the eigenvalues converge to the unit semicircle.

N = 1000
GOE_λs, _ = np.linalg.eigh(RM.Generate_GOE(N))
GOE_scaled_eigenvalues = GOE_λs/(np.sqrt(2*N))
plt.xlabel("Scaled Eigenvalues")
plt.title("GOE Unit Semicircle")
plt.hist(GOE_scaled_eigenvalues, bins=20, density=True);
N = 1000
GUE_λs, _ = np.linalg.eigh(RM.Generate_GUE(N))
GUE_scaled_eigenvalues = GUE_λs/np.sqrt(4*N)
plt.xlabel("Scaled Eigenvalues")
plt.title("GUE Unit Semicircle")
plt.hist(GUE_scaled_eigenvalues, bins=20, density=True);

Application of the Semicircle Law

Note that for a Gaussian Ensemble, $\frac{\lambda}{\sqrt{\beta N}}$ having the Semicircle($\sqrt{2}$) distribution implies $\lambda \sim $ Semicircle($\sqrt{2 \beta N}$). Below is a demonstration for $N=200$ and $\beta = 1$ and as expected we see a semicircle of radius 20.

trials = 1000
all_eigs = []
N = 200
for _ in range(trials):
    A = RM.Generate_GOE(N) 
    λs, V = np.linalg.eigh(A)
plt.xlabel("Scaled Eigenvalues")
plt.title("Distribution of 200 x 200 GOE eigenvalues")
plt.hist(all_eigs, bins=20, density=True);

Let $\Lambda_{N, \beta}[a;b]$ be the number of eigenvalues in the interval $[a,b]$ of an $N \times N$ Gaussian ensemble with Dyson index $\beta$. Then

$$ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \Lambda_{N, \beta}[a;b] \overset{p}{\to} N \int_a^b \sigma_{\sqrt{2 \beta N}}(t) \ dt$$

where $\overset{p}{\to}$ denotes convergence in probability. We can find a closed form expression for the integral using SymPy

t = symbols("t")
N, β = symbols("N β", positive=True)
σ = 2/(pi*(2*β*N)) * sqrt((2*β*N) - t**2)
Λ_N_β = integrate(N*σ, t)
$\displaystyle \frac{N β \operatorname{asin}{\left(\frac{\sqrt{2} t}{2 \sqrt{N} \sqrt{β}} \right)} + \frac{t \sqrt{2 N β - t^{2}}}{2}}{\pi β}$

Note that Sympy denote $\sin^{-1}$ as asin. Let's approximate $\Lambda_{200, 1}[10;15]$.

Λ_200_1 = Λ_N_β.subs(N, 200).subs(β, 1)
$\displaystyle \frac{\frac{t \sqrt{400 - t^{2}}}{2} + 200 \operatorname{asin}{\left(\frac{t}{20} \right)}}{\pi}$
(Λ_200_1.subs(t, 15) - Λ_200_1.subs(t, 10)).evalf()
$\displaystyle 24.6708606141383$

Let's check this approximation empirically

trials = 1000
in_range = []
matrix_size = 200
for _ in range(trials):
    A = RM.Generate_GOE(matrix_size) 
    λs, V = np.linalg.eigh(A)
    in_range.append(sum((10 < λs) & (λs < 15)))
plt.xlabel("Number of Eigenvalues in (10,15)")
plt.title("$\Lambda_{200, 1}[10;15]$")
plt.hist(in_range, bins=np.array(list(set(in_range)))-0.5, density=True);

As we can see, $\Lambda_{N,1}[10;15]$ successfully predicts the number eigenvalues in $(10,15)$ with reasonable variance. We can likewise predict $\Lambda_{200, 2}[10;15]$

Λ_200_2 = Λ_N_β.subs(N, 200).subs(β, 2)
$\displaystyle \frac{\frac{t \sqrt{800 - t^{2}}}{2} + 400 \operatorname{asin}{\left(\frac{\sqrt{2} t}{40} \right)}}{2 \pi}$
(Λ_200_2.subs(t, 15) - Λ_200_2.subs(t, 10)).evalf()
$\displaystyle 20.1498455367282$
trials = 1000
in_range = []
N = 200
for _ in range(trials):
    A = RM.Generate_GUE(N) 
    λs, V = np.linalg.eigh(A)
    in_range.append(sum((10 < λs) & (λs < 15)))
plt.xlabel("Number of Eigenvalues in (10,15)")
plt.title("$\Lambda_{200, 2}[10;15]$")
plt.hist(in_range, bins=np.array(list(set(in_range)))-0.5, density=True);